Monday 29 August 2016

How Does Daycare Benefit Children and their Parents?

It is difficult to understand the bond between a parent and their child unless you become a parent yourself. When you have a baby in the past few years, it is so difficult to spend any time away from them. Even if you are out of the house or at work, you are always thinking about your kid. “Is he okay? Does she miss me?” These are the type of thoughts going through your head. This leads to a temptation to keep your child with you, at home, until they start formal school.

However, it is not always feasible for both parents to continue their careers and still find time to raise their child with no help. Some families get assistance from relatives or family friends, but other situations require finding daycare in Lake County. If you can find the right facility for your child, both you and the kid will enjoy spending time there.

While considering your daycare in Lake County options, think about these top six reasons why daycare is considered beneficial for kids and their parents.

1. Routine

Ever thought about writing down the timetable of how your kid spends his or her days at home? If you spent a week writing everything down, you will notice that there is very little routine. Young kids are often up at odd hours and napping in the middle of the day. In addition, their activities vary greatly from day-to-day. In sharp contrast, daycares are a great place for young kids to learn about having routine and structure in their days. A proper daycare in Lake County will set schedules for when kids get to play, nap or do other activities.

2. Academic Success

No, daycares do not teach students how to solve complex math problems or readily discuss novels. However, the simple tasks of following a routine, playing with other kids and listening to instructors helps a kid when they eventually start school. If they go to pre-kindergarten or kindergarten in a couple of years, it is very similar to their daycare experience. In contrast, someone who goes from staying at home all the time to formal schooling might have a harder time adjusting.

3. Excitement.

This is often overlooked, but we must not forget that kids get bored fairly quickly. If they are playing with a toy and it stops being interesting, they will throw it aside and want to do something else. Staying at home is great, especially for the parents, but it also means a child is not getting much variety in their day-to-day interactions. Being at a Daycare in Lake County means they meet other kids and adults all the time.

4. Socializing

It is not uncommon for some kids to grow up very quiet and shy. This is also true when they are two or three years old. Sometimes the best way for a young kid to overcome shyness is by lots of interactions with others. If they sit at home all day and only deal with their parents, how will they overcome this shyness? Daycare might be tough for a shy kid, but they will learn to adapt and open up when talking to others. This also means they are likelier to get over their shyness by the time school rolls around, which is of huge benefit.

5. Comfort

Parents can often worry about how their kid is doing when they are not with them. After all, a million things can go wrong on a given day. However, sending your child to a reputable and excellent daycare facility is the best way to get much-needed peace of mind. You know that the best people are looking after your kid while you are at work.
6. Post-Partem Depression

Many mothers suffer from this condition, with some taking a few years to recover. If you feel that you, or your spouse, are depressed, it is important to give your child plenty of other interactions. Studies show that kids who spend all their time with a parent who is suffering from depression, might have those problems in the short or long-term. A top daycare facility is the best way to place your child in an exciting and fun atmosphere for a few hours a day.

Source: Click Here

Monday 8 August 2016

Early Childhood Education and its Benefits

There are varying opinions and consensuses about the importance of early childhood education. A lot of people have the view that it is extremely helpful for children. Meanwhile, there are those who do not believe a child needs to start schooling at four years of age. However, a lot of parents let their opinion of early childhood education depend on a few bad experiences that were personal or told by someone else. This is unfortunate, because it means that some poorly constructed early childhood education programs can cause parents to neglect their child’s education until a later age.

There are many studies that demonstrate the importance of sending children to daycare or a pre-kindergarten type of school. Kids who spend time at Early childhood education Lake Forest programs are going to have a much easier time handling their behavior. In addition, these kids are known to achieve much higher scores on IQ tests. This shows that while parents teaching their own kids is useful, there is a great value to formal education from a younger age.

Another argument used by people who are against early childhood education is the fact that these advantages may not last very long. For example, a child who starts school at four will learn faster than those who start at age five. However, this increased learning might only benefit the child for a few years, before their peers catch up. However, this is a misconception in some ways. Yes, some of their peers will catch up. But statistically, a child is far likelier to excel throughout their formal education if they start early.

It is also important to remember that an Early childhood education Lake Forest program is not only designed to teach children math and language concepts. These programs are all about getting children to interact with each other in a positive way. Young kids have a hard time socializing, especially if they are used to staying with their parents and not seeing other young people. The first few weeks at pre-kindergarten are tough, but kids can adapt quickly at this age. Within a few months, they will be the ones begging you to take them to their school.

Another vital factor is the quality of the Early childhood education Lake Forest that your child attends. If this program is of a poor quality, the child will not learn. It is impossible for young kids to learn anything in an environment where there are 50 or 60 other students. Teachers can hardly control that many kids, let alone give them instructions. Stick to programs where class sizes and a quality roster of educators is a priority.
There is also some consensus on the fact that children with a learning disability might get a much-needed head start through early childhood education. While they are still going to struggle during their first few years, starting at age four is better than age five or six. The extra year or 18 months gives them a chance to learn material at their own pace, while still keeping up with their peers after a few years. However, the situation is different if a child has a significant disability, and you should consult your child’s doctor and therapist before considering formal schooling.

From a practical point of view, children who start schooling early are far likelier to excel at their studies. They will have a better understanding of math, while also picking up writing and reading comprehension quicker. There is almost never a need to place your child on special education down the road if they were learning from an early age. Statistics also show that those who start their education early have a far lower chance of dropping out in high school.

From an emotional standpoint, children will socialize better if they start schooling early. Sometimes kids who begin school later are at a distinct disadvantage. Other kids might already have made groups and connections with each other. While most young kids are welcoming, it is a challenge getting to know people who already know each other. If your child starts early, these problems are mostly avoided.

Think about the lifelong education of your child. Starting a year early may seem unnecessary right now, but if it helps them in the next 10 to 15 years, it is completely worth it!

Source: Click Here

Monday 18 July 2016

Finding the Right Daycare Facility for your Child

Sometimes loosening the bond between parents and their child is important. This does not mean that parents have to ignore their child or not spend time with them. It simply means that leaving them for a few hours a day is not such a bad thing. Not only does it give parents more time to explore their lives outside of parenting, but it also gives the kid a lot of new experiences. This is why Lake Forest daycares are the best way to keep your kid safe and entertained while you are working or running errands. The best daycare facilities are known for having engaging programs that kids enjoy.

Not only do kids get to experience a new environment with Lake Forest daycares, but they also get to interact with a lot of kids they normally would not see. It is incredibly beneficial for your child to spend time around other kids. Not only does it help them develop social skills, but it lets them get over any behavioral issues or shy tendencies that are associated with group and individual interactions. While their first few days at daycare might be tough, they will soon want to be there all the time!

But if you want your child to enjoy the experience, it is crucial to pick the right kind of Lake Forest daycares. The proper facility will have excellent staff, plenty of space for the kids and a lot of activities planned for the day.

Now we can take a look at some of the reasons why Lake Forest daycares are so important for young children and parents.

1. New Relationships

The most common and important relationships for young children are with their parents, siblings and extended family. However, it is also great for kids to get to experience other people. Whether this is through early schooling or a daycare facility, it is equally beneficial. By developing new relationships, kids learn how to talk with one another. While their parents might give in to all their demands, other kids or adults are not going to bend to a kid’s will. This lets kids learn about not always getting what they want, which improves their behavior and emotional reaction to situations.

2. Preparation for School

Daycare facilities are not schools. Your child will not receive an education at the best Lake Forest daycares. However, the environment is very similar to kindergarten and the first few years of schooling. By spending time at a daycare center, children learn how these classroom environments work. They get a sense of how to listen to authority figures, while they also become comfortable around other people. This means they are ready and comfortable for school when they get older. In contrast, students who never go to daycare might be in for a shock when they start their pre-kindergarten classes.

3. Relaxation for Parents

Even the most dedicated parents need some time apart from their kids. Whether it is for work or to take a relaxing day for yourself, a little break is the best way to recharge your batteries and gain fresh perspectives.

Monday 11 July 2016

What are Classical Curriculum Preschools?

If you are thinking about types of preschools for your child, or the possibility of homeschooling, it is important to look at different curricula. While the school your child attends is also important, the type of material taught at that school holds greater weight. When speaking about the classical curriculum, we are referring to the Christian curriculum teachings that put a greater emphasis on traditional liberal arts. 

Classical curriculum preschools

These teachings focus on mathematics, languages and reading from a classical point of view, with a lot of importance given to the teachings of old Athens, Rome and other European areas. Classical curriculum preschools focus on this type of schooling and give children a great foundation for the rest of their academic career.

Not only is this type of education great for your child’s critical thinking, but it also gives them a great background into the ways of Christians and a look at the history of Europeans and Americans. Most preschools can give you a list of books they are using. These classical curriculum preschools give great importance to the well-rounded education children receive. Instead of only teaching them the very basics in math and English, kids get to work on different subject, learn other languages and fully engage with their teachers.

Of course, not all of this learning takes place in preschool. However, enrolling your kid in one of the classical curriculum preschools is the best way to give them a head start. By the time they are in second or third grade, they already have a deep appreciation for this method of teaching. They are also better and more curious learners, because they know a wide variety of skills from a young age.

The classical curriculum has a number of objectives. For one, students are taught about the past. This education is not about glorifying the past and getting students to live by those exact methods. Instead, it is about looking at what was done correctly and incorrectly hundreds of years ago. This gives students a chance to appreciate the progress made since then, while also knowing where their families and ancestors came from. While the flaws of the past are acknowledged, they are not the primary focus.

In contrast, traditional schooling has a way of spending too much time looking at how past generations made mistakes. There is a lot of focus on these unsavory ideas, instead of bringing the progress and good decisions to light.

Aside from a clear instruction of the past, classical curricula also focus on making students into keen thinkers and learners. It is not always about listening to the teacher and repeating whatever information they tell you. This form of education wants students to become curious. They want students who are willing to think outside the box and take an active role in their education.

If you want your child to get started with this type of education from a young age, consider one of the many Christian curriculum preschools in your area. It is the best way to give them a broad and deep understanding of the past, present and future.

For More Information About Classical curriculum preschools Visit Us.

Source: Click Here

Monday 4 July 2016

Value of Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education is something that everyone has a different opinion about. While some believe that it is of vital importance, others do not attach the same weight to where their kids attend kindergarten or pre-kindergarten. For example, many states have had issues where they try to increase funding for mandatory pre-schools, but a number of parents would not agree with the policy. Parents prefer to spend time with their kids at that age and education their kids themselves.

However, many studies show that children who spend time at pre-kindergarten or similar Early childhood education Lake Bluff programs are going to have an easier time adapting to their future school classes. Not only do these kids behave better, but they also score higher on IQ tests and other assessments. Formal education has a number of benefits over a parent trying to teach a child themselves. 

There are a few critics of childhood education who believe that these advantages even themselves out after a few years. Even if a kid goes through an early childhood education Lake Bluff program and gains an advantage over his or her peers, this advantage may only last for a few years. However, there are some studies that point to the link between early education and proper development with better performance in middle and high school. Children who get a head start through these programs find it consistently easier to handle their schoolwork in subsequent grades. While some of this advantage evens out, they will probably always have it easier than students who did not receive a formal education until later.

In addition, pre-kindergarten and other similar programs are not only about educating a child. After all, parents can teach their kids how to read and write if they have the time and necessary patience. However, parents cannot teach their kids how to interact in small or large group settings. This is something that is only learned through experience. When children start their education early, they get a chance to interact with other kids and get accustomed to this group environment. It is better to have your child act-out in pre-kindergarten than first or second grade! 

While there is a lot of importance to these programs, it is important to choose the right Early childhood education Lake Bluff program for your child. Kids who end up in programs with 50 students per class, taught by mediocre instructors, are not going to learn anything. In fact, the chaos and lack of order might be detrimental to their emotional and mental growth. This is why parents must pick programs where the class sizes are smaller, instructors are well-qualified and the school makes every child’s education a priority.
Children who have slight physical or learning disabilities also benefit from receiving an early education. While the first few months or years are challenging, getting them started early is the best way to give them equal footing with other students. In these circumstances, it is also vital for parents to play an active role in their child’s early education. This means talking with teachers about the progress they are making and sitting down with your kid to go over their schoolwork. Studies show that when parents are actively involved in their child’s pre-K schooling, the results are far better in the short and long-term.

Everyone has their own opinion on early childhood education, with some adamantly against it. However, some of the stigma comes from bad programs that might do more harm than good. If you are on the fence about early childhood education or daycare options for your child, look into the best programs in your area. It is these programs that will allow your child to develop both mentally and emotionally. They get a chance to play with other kids, interact with other adults and learn about rules or proper etiquette.

If children receive early education and their parents truly care about their schooling, they are far less likely to drop out of high school. In addition, they will have higher math and language scores, better critical thinking skills and better social interactions. Behavioral problems also go down and the child is quicker to adjust to this type of formal schooling in the present and future.

Source: Click Here